
"This Old House" meets the RIAA

Mikey's favorite hobby is building furniture. He is on a tight budget though, and can only afford one screwdriver, a Phillips-type head. For a long time Mikey was able to borrow Phillips screws from his friend Sally; now, however, the Furnituremakers Union has declared that Mikey can no longer borrow any more screws. Not wanting to give up his hobby, Mikey is forced to purchase screws. However, the only screws that he can buy have a square socket head. He cannot use these screws how he wants to: he can only turn them as far as his fingers can grip, because his screwdriver is not compatable with his screws. ...continued
I wish I had enough cash to buy an iPod. But I don't--I'm stuck with my iRiver flash-memory mp3 player. And I don't want to give up listening to new music. And I sure as hell don't have enough money to drop $12 on a CD for a band I've never heard of, just so I can make a backup copy for personal use to load onto my iRiver. So anything I buy with iTunes, I can listen on my computer but not on my mp3 player. Am I supposed to carry my laptop around when I'm going for a run and want some tunes to keep me kicking??
Mikey solved his problem by scrounging around the shop for any tools he could find; he then proceeded to modify the square socket screws he bought so that he could use his Phillips screwdriver. Maybe not the easiest workaround, but he could still enjoy building furniture...