
A personal first

I knocked out ten miles today. This marks the first time I've ever run double-digits. And it didn't even seem that tough. The weather cooperated: partly cloudy, 52°F. I'm surprised the park wasn't more crowded than it was, and there wasn't too much traffic-fume-pollution either. On top of everything, I ran at a pretty decent pace, right around 7:10 miles.

In case I haven't yet told everyone, the reason I'm running so much is that I'm training for the Spirit of St. Louis Half Marathon, which is four weeks from tomorrow. During the cold winter months I was concerned about being able to finish 13.1 miles, but after a performance like today, I feel pretty darn good going into it.


Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

I'm running the half marathon too, though I will be a bit behind you.

8:56 PM  

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