
Stupidity is punishable by law

I saw a report on Good Morning America today about a law in Arizona called the "Stupid Motorist Law." No joke. It basically says that if drivers are stupid and ignore barricades, then get stuck and need to call for help, they can be charged up to $2000 for the rescue effort. (Read the text of the law at the Phoenix Fire Department.)

Somebody is on to something here! Rescue respondents are putting themselves at risk by going into flooded areas. The efforts consume time and resources. When "victims" are in such situations because they thought their Hummer could handle the high waters and decided to drive around Road Closed signs, they deserve to pay.

More states should follow suit and pass similar laws. And get rid of laws that allow criminals to sue for personal injury when law enforcement or civilians hurt them while they're committing a crime.


Blogger Laurie wrote...

Yay Arizona! I remember when that was passed. You'd be amazed at how many news reports there were with "stupid motorists" on the roof of their sinking car because they drove into a wash or something.

5:49 PM  

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