
Mid-afternoon snack

You all know that dip toward the end of the work day, where your butt slips further down the chair and your eyes have trouble focusing on anything but the clock. I passed the last quarter hour perusing a friend's website before going home to get a quick bite and then my run. Funny how my quick bite turned into a meal's worth of Indoor S'mores and all but the last few drops of milk. Now I get to sit and wait to digest before I run, during which hopefully I can snag the washing machine in my building to get the poison ivy residue out of my hiking socks.


Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

I have no where else to post this..

"What in the world is with that picture, Stuart?"

-ahem. I feel much better now. (grin)

7:17 AM  
Blogger Nick wrote...

aha, Hell yea! welcome to the blog world.

8:55 AM  

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