

Two-plus years. Do my fingers still know how to work the keyboard? I guess so.

Just to get it all out of my system, here is the Readers' Digest version of my life since the last post:

  • I got married
  • I got a promotion
  • I bought a house
  • I got a dog

So my life has really come a long way. Sure, that's no excuse for lack of posting. I guess I just got bored. Well, I can't promise I won't get bored again, or that I will have time to post every n days, weeks, months, etc. In fact, no promises to anyone. Consider this a fresh "Hello, world!" post.

My impetus for even viewing my old blog was the accumulation of a number of ideas. They're the sort of things I think about in the car, on the trail, in the shower, before falling asleep. I've been had some experiences that have changed the way I think, or at least have changed my awareness of how I process information. It was my realization that city traffic can be modeled as a compression wave traveling through a medium of nonuniform density, that driving styles on the freeway can be modeled as damped vibrating systems interacting with one another. It was noticing that I purchased some music on iTunes and and other music as physical CDs (shout out here to Jamie Cullum and Counting Crows). It was thinking about how to implement non-technical friends' ideas and my own projects at work using a similar generic Object model.

I don't plan to write about "this is what happened to me today on the way to the store..." unless there is something truly (in my opinion) interesting about what happened. I want to make this a space for me to record my thoughts about life and my thoughts about my thoughts, not a place to keep an online diary. Chronology won't likely be important for posts relating to disparate ideas, but looking at a group of related posts can show the evolution of that idea in my mind. I see that Blogger publishing now supports tags (labels), so that can probably help me organize.

My gears never stopped turning; they just slipped a bit with respect to the output stage. I think I'm ready to re-engage and start this moving again. Anyone care for a cup of coffee before hitting the road?


Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

hah...is it sad that I -still- check your blog every once in a while....i think it is.

nevertheless, I'm glad to see you writing again!

7:03 PM  
Blogger Nick wrote...

Damn Stu,

It'll be hard to say anything about traffic compression waves in nonuniform space. Sounds like a weapon in a Terminator movie. Wildness.

- Nick

9:48 PM  

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