
A host of hosts.

K suggested that I get a web site for when I move to CA. Definitely something I've considered on and off for a few years now. Googling to find places to buy domain names and host my web site give all-too-much information, but I found a few ranking sites that seem reliable/trustworthy enough. Anyone who's done this, or who hosts your own site, can I get some suggestions on what to look for? For a site that would be mostly "friends-and-family" viewed, how much transfer and storage do you recommend? If I do choose to do it on my own computer (in this case I'd probably do it on a Windows machine), what do I need to do with my ISP and with the name registration?


Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

I use namecheap for my domain name. As far as hosting goes, I dunno. I'd recommend using something like flickr for any photos. That way you won't need a lot of bandwith for your website.

12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

thebigroadtrip runs on my home computer. to handle the dns stuff, i use zoneedit.com, which is free. so basically, you buy your domain name from anyone, then head over to zoneedit.com and follow those instructions. so then you install your web server (probably apache), turn on port forwarding for port 80 and you should be golden. let me know if you have any questions.

7:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

iPowerweb handles domain registration and provides comprehensive hosting services, i think at about $7 a month.


2:45 PM  
Blogger Stu wrote...

Hey all, thanks for the input. I'll post here when I get everything set up, maybe in a few weeks (after I finish my cross-country move!) then at first I'll probably just put up a copy of my school site until I have the time to play with stylesheets and make some fresh content. I like the idea of "outsourcing" for photos, and I'll probably do that--I just signed up with flickr the other day.

7:58 AM  

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