
Small world

I donned my "delivery boy" hat yesterday and brought K some lunch. While I was waiting in the lobby, keeping to myself and reading some articles for my materials paper, I once again reconfirmed how small a world it is indeed. First I bumped into Joe (a professor, co-worker, and friend) on his way out the door. This wasn't too surprising, seeing as he works in the PT building for his research. But then not even two minutes later, when K came up to say hi and get her food, she introduced me to a classmate of hers who knows a lot of people I went to high school with, including my ex girlfriend. This was more a case of Jewish Geography than anything, but still it is one of those funny things where a friend-of-a-friend somehow brings everything back together again. The theory is that six degrees of separation link everyone, but sometimes I wonder if it's even fewer.