

I wrote a "Monday morning quarterback" account of my weekend and realized that it would take a whole weekend to read. So I'm cutting out the summary and just leaving you with my "editorial comments" after having digested the events. Feel free to ask me to clarify or elaborate anything if you're really interested. ...continued
  1. I know I'm getting back in "student mode" when I begin with Thursday when talking about my weekend.
  2. I'm even moreso in student mode when I stay out as late as I did several nites in a row.
  3. The few girls I saw earlier this summer, I had some reservations about; now with Kristin, I see no reason why this won't be the beginning of a relationship. I can't stop thinking about her, and I get "butterflies" when she calls. This could be really good. Oh, and Enzo gave me his stamp of approval, and apparently Kristin's friends did the same for her.
  4. I love the feeling of the air when it is cool and damp. I love the smell of the woods. I don't think I could ever live in a city more than a 40-minute drive from a nice piece of nature.
  5. Zo went on "Kenny Banya style" about people's use of literally. He noted that when someone "literally ate the whole thing" or "finished literally the entire job," that is incorrect usage unless the eating of the whole thing or the finishing of the entire job is written, that is, somehow put into literature. Well, buddy, hate to say but you're rantings were for naught: Webster gives two definitions of literally, the second of which is "in effect : virually." So indeed there is no necessity write it in literature for something to be taken literally! But good fodder for the brain nonetheless. Language is too shades-of-grey.
  6. Seeing the engineering orientation and the people associated with it was definitely nostalgic. It's interesting to see what has changed and what hasn't since I was in charge just a few years ago. It's fun to catch up with the other upperclassmen, especially all the other "super-seniors" like myself, and to see how the sophomores have stepped up since last year.
  7. I've taken a big risk by not making coffee this morning.


Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

During the first Olympic sailing event, broadcasted at 12:30am in the States, I was struck by the announcer who said (seriously) "Look Marv at the boat, it's going fast, it is literally flying" ... and I says to myself, "No it's not, dipshit. It's literally sailing."

And that's my story.

-- Chris

10:40 AM  

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