

Ever have so much to say, so much going on, that you haven't a clue where to begin? Yep, that's me right now. So I'll try to start somewhere. Headlines, stuff that's been occupying my mind a lot lately. I'd say "more to come" but I don't think I'll get to most of these.

  • I still don't feel like I'm in "school-mode." I need something to kick my ass into high gear.
  • I'm falling a bit behind on my work for the IP Task Force. Hopefully I'll catch up this weekend.
  • Happy New Year! Between wrapping Teffilin in New York, going to High Holy Day services, and explaining bits and pieces of Judaism to Kristin, am I becoming more spiritual? Probably not, but we'll see.
  • I'm damn excited that we're taking steps toward a first-order prototype for the Halo project!
  • I need more exercise and would like more sleep.
  • Friends are great. I need to stop saying "We should get together sometime" and actually get together. But till then, emails and random bump-ins are a good bridge.


Anonymous Anonymous wrote...

Let's have a run or lift once a week. Any weekday's good for me, preferably early mornings but afternoons work as well.


6:29 PM  
Blogger Nick wrote...

I'm not kidding about that John Legend concert. Anyone you go with will be thankful that you saw him at this point in his career. He's doin a solo show, and then the rest of the time on his tour it's hip-hop -- but singer-songwriter-wise on the piano it's fantabulous. If you're downloading songs try and get the album "solo at the Knitting factory" and listen to "Sun Comes Up" and "Must Be The Way."

9:36 PM  

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